Tested before Shipping

We test everything!
We are not the only company selling used satellite equipment, but we are one of the very few who stand behind the equipment that they sell. If it fails within the warranty period we make good on our promise to repair, replace or refund, because we only sell quality equipment.
Each item is tested prior to shipping, this way we can pull aside anything that we believe will fail and replace it with another.
TWTAs have a very clear indicator of their quality, on testing we note the Helix current of the tube at the several stages as we gradually increase power. If the amplifier has reached its maximum power and the Helix current is still low, this indicates an amplifier with an excellent tube - and it is the tube that is the most costly part to replace.
Testing only occurs when an item is sold. Take the stack of hundreds of iNfiniti 5150's that we purchased a few months ago. More than likely it will take a year to sell them all, and so testing them as they are sold means that the tests are current.
However, with the best testing, and the most careful packing a customer may occasionally have an equipment failure and when this happens, the customer can be secure knowing that we have never turned our back on a problem.